


Campfire notifications plugin

Added by Edouard Brière almost 16 years ago

Hi there,

For those of you who use Campfire to chat around a project I made a plugin to send issues notifications on a Campfire chat room.

It is really simple: it basically display an short abstract on issue creation and edition, as well as a link to the issue on Redmine. It helps us a lot in my company. You can get the plugin on github:

There's some room for improvements. If you find this plugin useful, don't hesitate to fork and improve it.

Note: I’ve also added a hook on for wiki edition, forum board creation which won't work with the current version of Redmine. I’ve requested these hook on this ticket: #3306 but so far no luck.

Replies (4)

RE: Campfire notifications plugin - Added by Eric Davis almost 16 years ago

Edouard Brière:

Cool, I'll check this out. I think I have a campfire account somewhere. Here's a tip, name your git repo after the plugin name used in init.rb (redmine_campfire_notifications). It will save you some problems down the road.

I'll see about adding #3306 for you this weekend. I've been over committed on some other projects.


RE: Campfire notifications plugin - Added by Edouard Brière almost 16 years ago

Eric Davis wrote:

Edouard Brière:

Cool, I'll check this out. I think I have a campfire account somewhere. Here's a tip, name your git repo after the plugin name used in init.rb (redmine_campfire_notifications). It will save you some problems down the road.

I'll see about adding #3306 for you this weekend. I've been over committed on some other projects.


Sounds good Eric, thank you very much!

RE: Campfire notifications plugin - Added by Jack Chu almost 15 years ago

Edouard merged in some of the changes I made in my fork:

  • Use Campfire api token instead of login/password.
  • Moved the settings into a config/campfire.yml file.
  • URL that gets generated uses the host name set within Redmine settings rather than hardcoded.